Website For Online Donations

SRISTI Children Project

“Agami” – Computer literacy programme that involves teaching of Basic and Advanced concepts based on the children . Also take care children for education care and learning to school level. The programme is benefiting over 650 children this year.

SRISTI Education project

“Asha” our organisation provide to school level general education, computer Training programme for pre-primary, primary, Secondary, high school student. The programme is benefiting over 625 this year.

SRISTI Skill Development Project

“Vocational Training Center”– our organisation provide to job oriented vocational training for poor family women and unemployed youth. The programme is benefiting over 150 this years.

SRISTI Environment Project

“save the Sunderban save the world” the organisation has given to priority to the development of ecological balance of environment by plantation of social forestry. In this year the members of the organisation have planted soplings of Akasmani, Jhaws, Mehegoni , Teak, Sirish, Mango, Sonajhuri etc.On the road sides and canal sides with protection for the purpose of creating hygienic atmosphere and to bring adequate rain fall. All the expenses are incurred by the organisation donation fund.

SRISTI Healthcare Project

“JANANI” our organisation provide to medical check- up in schools of students Government Schools and Mother’s Child care programme is benefiting over 200 Students and mother.

SRISTI Women Empowerment Project

“Sonkalpa” we have a female group named as “Sristi Nari Niketan”. They are conducting through out whole year various vocational training courses. This year more than 620 local girls & housewives were benefited by this programme. Their subjects are wool knitting, Embroidery, Jari & chikon, Tailoring, Needle work, Computer Training etc.